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  • CUNY (31th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing). UC, Davis. Why are English and Hebrew Resumptive Pronouns Different? (Poster presentation). April 2018

  • CUNY (31th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing). UC, Davis. A shift in gap manifestation incurs processing cost: Evidence from Hebrew. (Poster presentation). April 2018.

  • CUNY (30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing). MIT. English and Hebrew speakers use language-specific strategies to produce communicatively efficient relative clauses. (Poster presentation). March-April 2017

  • CUNY (30th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing). MIT. Resumption controls the time-course of dependency formation: evidence from Hebrew. (Poster presentation). March-April 2017

  • UMD-TAU Workshop on Resumption, a joint workshop with The University of Maryland. Resumption and modality in Hebrew. December 2014

  • TAU-GU Workshop on Relative Clauses and Idioms, Goethe University, Frankfurt. The acquisition of idioms: Stages and theoretical implications. November 2014

  • IATL (Israel Association for Theoretical Linguistics), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. The directionality of verbal diathesis: A psycholinguistic study. October 2013        

  • GALA 2013 (Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition), The University of Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany. The acquisition of idioms: Stages and theoretical implications (Poster Presentation). September 2013

  • Linguistic Evidence: Berlin Special, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin Germany. The perception of directionality: a psycholinguistic study. April 2013

  • ConSOLE XXI (The 21st Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe), The University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany. The directionality of verbal diathesis: a psycholinguistic study.  January 2013

  • Woss 9 (9th workshop on Syntax and Semantics), The University of Siena, Siena, Italy. The directionality of verbal diathesis: a psycholinguistic study.  November 2012     

  • ConSOLE XVII (The 17th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe) Nova-Gorica University, Nova-Gorica, Slovenia. The Psychological Reality of Hidden Lexical Entries: Evidence from Hebrew. January 2009 

©Julie Fadlon

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